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Insurance Made Easy: A Podcast by Osterts & Associates


We all know how Insurance is not the easiest thing to grasp. With so many coverages and varying premiums, it can be confusing. Here at Osterts & Associates we pride ourselves on having a consultative approach with on clients to ensure they are apart of the process every step of the way.

This podcast will feature Coffee Corner guests who are clients of ours to share their story and experience with us. You can listen to our podcast on most major streaming platforms.

This week, our Coffee Corner guest is Jeff Pennington. He has been a long-time client of ours and is the proud owner of 12+ Dairy Queens. This episode is a MUST listen to hear Jeff’s rags to riches story.

If you would like to be featured as a Coffee Corner guest or would like to learn more about our agency, email us at info@jerryostert.com.

Insurance Made Easy Podcast with Jeff Pennington: https://anchor.fm/osterts-and-associates/episodes/May-Coffee-Corner-with-Jeff-Pennington-e11240o

Insurance made Easy Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7bwpirBpAgvKulEMCyTAp1




Frequently Asked Questions for Insurance Agencies


 Why do insurers need so much information?

  • Insurance agents require specific questions to make sure you qualify for their insurance. The information you provide will help insurance agents quote you the perfect price. And do not forget that insurance agencies are at risk when they insure you, therefore they must have information on file to deal with certain circumstances.


What are the advantages to using an agent to purchase insurance?

  • Using insurance agents instead of companies are become more popular day by day, and the best part of their services is that they can offer you the most affordable price out of all insurance companies they represent. For example, Osterts and Associates works with a variety of insurance companies, such as: Nationwide, Farmers, etc. which means that we can look for the best rates and policies from a variety of sources rather than one.


Do I really need to purchase automobile insurance?

  • Yes! To drive legally in any state in the U.S., each state has a required minimum amount that each driver must have. Automobile also comes in handy in the case of accidents or damaged vehicles. 77% of drivers end up getting into an accident at least once in their lifetime. That is a lot! Osterts and Associates can help you find the best automobile policy for your needs and wallet!


There are plenty of other questions we receive at Osterts & Associates but we wanted to provide some of the questions we receive a lot. Do you have questions of your own that you would like to have answered? Email us at info@jerryostert.com We would love to get in touch with you!


Osterts & Associates Insurance